Best Personal Finance Apps in India (2024)

A variety of mobile applications have appeared there in the area of personal finance management that help empower people in their journey toward financial well-being. Now these Personal Finance Apps in India provide a simple, easy-to-use platform through which to keep track of spending and investment as well as help you reach your financial goals. With various needs in mind, these apps include such features as budgeting tools and investment platforms. Here are some of the best personal finance apps to help manage your finances, and improve your financial health.

Top 5 Personal Finance Apps in India with Key Features:

Money View App

Features Advantages Disadvantages
✔ Auto-expense tracking

Complete financial overview

Instant personal loans

Savings goals

Bill reminders

Investment options

Credit score monitoring

Convenient and user-friendly


Investment opportunities

Free features

Complete financial management

❌ Privacy concerns

❌ Debt focus

❌ Limited investment options

❌ Fees for certain features

❌ Reliance on SMS

Money View App
Money View App

Android App Link-  Click To Download

Here are some additional points to consider

  1. Before signing up for a subscription, give the app’s free version a test drive.
  2. Take heed of foolhardy thoughts when loans are so readily available.
  3. Compare features and explore other personal finance apps before making a decision.
  4. Place your financial health above all else and don’t put too much faith in any one app.

Monefy App

Features Advantages Disadvantages
Simple and intuitive interface

Customizable categories

Income tracking

Visual reports

Budget setting

Data security

Lightweight and efficient

Free with basic functionality


Offline usability

User-friendly for beginners

❌ Limited automation

❌ No automatic syncing

❌ Fewer advanced features

❌ Limited reporting options

❌ No web version

Monefy App
Monefy App


Android App Link-  Click To Download

Overall, Monefy is a user-friendly and privacy-oriented personal finance app ideal for beginners and those who prefer a simple and efficient way to track their expenses and income. However, if you need advanced features like automatic syncing, comprehensive reporting, or additional financial tools, you might consider exploring other options.

Wallet App

Features Advantages Disadvantages
Powerful budgeting tools

Automatic transaction sync

Spending patterns visualization

Future expense planning

Debt management

Income tracking

Bill reminders

Goal setting

Multi-currency support

Security features

Automated tracking & planning

Data-driven insights

Improved budgeting

Debt management

Goal-oriented focus

Security and privacy

Complete financial management

❌ Learning curve

❌ Premium features

❌ Reliance on bank connections

❌ Privacy concerns

❌ Battery drain

Wallet App
Wallet App


Android App Link-  Click To Download

Overall, Wallet is a powerful personal finance app for users who want comprehensive financial management tools and data-driven insights. However, the potential learning curve and privacy concerns might not be suitable for everyone. Consider your needs and preferences before deciding if Wallet is the right app for you.

Goodbudget App

Features Advantages Disadvantages
Envelope budgeting system

Cross-platform usage

Multiple accounts

Transaction history

Simple interface

Offline accessibility

Data export

Effective budgeting method

Flexible and customizable

Collaborative budgeting

Accessibility and affordability


Simple and intuitive

Manual data entry

❌ Limited automation

❌ Fewer analytics and reports

❌ Focus on budgeting

❌ Limited platform integrations

Goodbudget App
Goodbudget App


Android App Link-  Click To Download

All in all, Goodbudget is a great choice for anyone who wants to keep things simple and be efficient at budgeting with the envelope system. Especially its simple interface, cross-compatibility, and free basic version make it a wise choice for novice users with tight budgets. Yet if you require functions like automation, in-depth reports or even the ability to sync up with other financial applications scroll on for a list of alternatives.

ET Money App

Features Advantages Disadvantages
Direct Mutual Funds

Automated Money Management

Tax Saving Tools

Net Banking Transactions

Investment Advice

Paperless Investments

Financial Learning Resources

SIPs and Mutual Fund Recommendations

Convenient & Automated Investing

Tax-Saving Guidance

Holistic Financial View

Expert Investment Advice

Educational Resources

Easy & Paperless Investing

✔ Zero Commission Direct Mutual Funds

❌ Limited Investment Options

❌ Limited Automation

❌ Potential Bias

❌ Security Concerns

❌ Subscription Fees

❌ Potential Overtrading

ET Money App
ET Money App

Android App Link-  Click To Download

Overall, ET Money is a good option for investors looking for a convenient and affordable platform to invest in direct mutual funds and benefit from expert guidance. However, the limited investment options, potential bias, and security concerns might deter some users. Consider your needs and preferences before deciding if ET Money is the right platform for you.




Empower your financial journey with the best personal finance apps in India. From budgeting to investments, take control of your money for a secure future.

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