Stock Market Crash India (1885 to 2024)


The potential occurrence of a stock market crash India is a significant concern for investors and policymakers. A market crash, characterized by a sudden and severe decline in stock prices, can have profound economic repercussions, affecting businesses, investors, and the overall financial stability of the country. Various factors, including global economic conditions, geopolitical tensions, and domestic economic indicators, contribute to the vulnerability of stock markets. Understanding the potential risks and implementing proactive measures to mitigate them becomes crucial in navigating the uncertainties associated with the prospect of a stock market crash in India.

List of Major Stock Market Crash India

  • 1865- Considered the earliest recorded crash, triggered by the collapse of Bombay Share Bazaar Bank.
  • 1982- “Bear Cartel of Bengal” manipulated Reliance Industries’ share price, leading to a severe correction.
  • 1991- The Gulf War and political instability caused a crash, with Sensex losing over 30%.
  • 1992- The Harshad scam, a massive financial fraud, exposed & triggered a steep decline exceeding 50%.
  • 2001- Ketan Parekh scam inflated IT stock prices artificially, followed by a sharp fall upon exposure.
  • 2004- The UPA government’s unexpected election victory led to a 6% drop in Sensex.
  • 2006- Rising interest rates and global market anxieties prompted a 20% correction.
  • 2008– Global financial crisis caused numerous crashes in the years, with the Sensex dropping over 50%.
  • 2009- Continued recessionary impacts led to further declines in the market.
  • 2011- The eurozone debt crisis and domestic policy concerns reduced Sensex by 25%.
  • 2015-2016- Yuan devaluation, Brexit, and global weakness resulted in a prolonged fall of over 26%.
  • 2016– Demonetization policy implementation caused panic selling and a 6% drop in Sensex.
  • 2018- Trade war tensions and rising oil prices sparked volatility and losses in the market.
  • 2020- The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive crash, with Sensex losing over 30% within weeks.

Note This list includes major crashes based on historical significance and the percentage impact on the indices. There have been other periods of significant decline in the market that may not be listed here.

It’s important to remember that the stock market is cyclical and experiences both periods of growth and decline. Understanding the historical crashes and their causes can help investors make informed decisions about their portfolio management.

What Is the Biggest Market Crash in India History?

the most notable market crash in India’s history occurred in 2008 during the global financial crisis. The Indian stock market, like many others worldwide, experienced a significant decline during that period. The benchmark indices, such as the Sensex and Nifty, saw a substantial drop in value.

What Was the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History?

On October 29, 1929, the U.S. stock market experienced a massive sell-off, leading to a catastrophic collapse in stock prices. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted, losing nearly 25% of its value in just two days. This crash signaled the start of a severe economic downturn, with widespread consequences, including bank failures, unemployment, and a prolonged period of economic hardship.

The 1929 stock market crash remains one of the most significant events in financial history, shaping economic policies and financial regulations for decades to come.

What Is the Biggest Fall in Sensex History?

one of the largest single-day falls in the history of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Sensex occurred on January 21, 2008. On that day, the Sensex witnessed a sharp decline, closing down by over 2,000 points, which represented a significant percentage drop.

What Is the Biggest Fall in Bank Nifty History?

In terms of percentage drop in a single day, the biggest fall for the Bank Nifty was on May 6, 2022, when it shed 7.43% of its value, closing at 36,057.70. This crash was attributed to concerns about rising interest rates and the potential impact on the banking sector.


A stock market crash in India is a significant event that can have far-reaching consequences, impacting investors, businesses, and the overall economy. Influenced by complex factors, such as economic conditions and global events, the ramifications of a crash emphasize the importance of risk management and informed decision-making. Staying vigilant, diversifying investments, and seeking professional advice during turbulent market conditions are crucial strategies to navigate the uncertainties associated with a stock market crash in India.

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